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Malaysia Office

Web Site:
Email: [email protected]

Melaleuca Southeast Asia (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd.
Unit B-10-3A & 5, Level 10
Menara UOA Bangsar
No. 5, Jalan Bangsar Utama 1
59000 Kuala Lumpur

Customer Service: 1-800-183-183
Business Development: 1-800-182-182
International: +603-2330-4688
Fax: 1-800-826-826
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Last business day of the month: 10am - 9pm

Store Locations and Operating Hours
1- 8 & 9, Level 1, Menara UOA Bangsar,
No. 5 Jalan Bangsar Utama 1, 59000 Kuala Lumpur
(Located at Bangsar LRT Station and next to Dataran Maybank)
Monday - Friday: 10am - 9pm
Saturday: 12pm - 7pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Block A-6-1, 2 & 3, Bay Avenue, Lorong Bayan Indah 4,
11900 Bayan Lepas, Penang
(Next to Eastin Hotel & Queensbay Mall)
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Last business day of the month: 10am - 9pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

22, Jalan Ponderosa 2/1,
Taman Ponderosa, 81100 Johor Bahru
(Located just opposite Ponderosa Golf & Country Club)
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Last business day of the month: 10am - 9pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

Ground Floor and First Floor,
Sub-lot 6 of Lot 7684 & 7686, Block 16,
KCLD Song Plaza, Jalan Song, 93350 Kuching, Sarawak.
(Located at the northeast corner of existing Jalan Tun Jugah/Jalan Song/Jalan Laksamana Cheng Ho)
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Last business day of the month: 10am - 9pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.

B7G & B71 Block B Phase 1
Signature Office, KK Times Square
Off Coastal Highway, 88100, Kota Kinabalu, Sabah
Monday - Saturday: 10am - 7pm
Last business day of the month: 10am - 9pm
Closed on Sundays and public holidays.